If you created your account before 28th July 2023, please go to “Activate Account” tab instead. We have recently updated our website and kindly ask you to create a new password.
If you created your account before 28th July 2023, we kindly ask you to activate your account here and create a new password.
To register your product and benefit from the Aarke Warranty, please fill in the registration form below.
The period of Aarke Warranty you get by registering the product differs, depending on the type of product:
Aarke Carbonator 3, Aarke Carbonator Pro – 3 years from the date of purchase
Aarke Kettle – 5 years from the date of purchase
Please note, that the following conditions must be met:
• You made your purchase within the European Union or the United Kingdom (at the moment we are unable to offer this service in other regions);
• You can only register your product within two years from the date of original purchase;
• By registering the product you accept the Aarke Registered Warranty Terms & Conditions .