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If you created your account before 28th July 2023, we kindly ask you to activate your account here and create a new password.
For a limited time, enjoy a restock of filter granules for less. Simply pick one of our Filter Granules Kits and get 9 filter refill bags for the price of just 6.
Don't worry, they won't expire.
The Enriched Filter Granules are our upgraded, mineralisation filter option. On top of making your water cleaner and tastier by reducing chlorine and heavy metals, it adds magnesium mineral to support the function of muscles and turns your tap water into alkaline water.
Great for cold sips.
The Pure Filter Granules makes your water softer, cleaner and tastier by reducing limescale, chlorine and heavy metals.
Great for tea & coffee.
We have developed two different types of filter granules to make your water cleaner and tastier. Both are made in close collaboration with BWT, one of the world’s leading water technology companies.
One bag of granules filters up to 120 liters of water.